Monday, April 16, 2012

Ducks, Ducks, Ducks...

Ducks, Ducks, Ducks...

I have lots of ducks in my life. There's the Jesus duck, of course, the most important. When I allow Him to lead my life, I find myself with all my ducks in a row, and not much to complain about. When I take over the reins, if I become unhappy with His timing, or with the things he is allowing me to go through, well, that's when the other ducks get all out of line. The husband, the kids, the bible reading, the church work, the house work, usually due to my own lack of patience, love, gentleness, self-control, they all get out of line, until all I have is a great big mess. 

Now that begs a question. How many of you can relate? Come on, help me out. Can I get a witness??? Who has their ducks out of row today? 

And a verse to live by to finish it all up:

Gal. 5:22 And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Tripping merrily along, Cheryl

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